Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thanks for your help!

After much hard work on Saturday, our first major work day was completed.  We just want to publicly say THANKS to those who came out to help us work on some much needed house repairs. 

Special THANKS! to:

Gary and Mallory Bilger
Josh and Candice Rose
Chris and Hope McDonald
Amanda Hall
Michelle Brown

The jobs that we completed were: stripping wallpaper, sanding, puttying, painting the first coat of white over top of some really ugly 70ss green color in our hallway, and lots of woodwork cleaning.  Extra special thanks to Mr. Bilger who helped Michael pull up what was left of our orange 70s carpet!  That was one of the roughest jobs. 

The Waits' family is truly blessed to have some really great friends who desire to help us despite what the tasks are.  We were humbled at the turn out of support and help from each of you.  Know that you have a had a large part in helping bring our children home.  We love you all!

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