Saturday, March 19, 2011

Cleaning and Repairs

So, I am cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning our house in prep for our home study visit in 2 weeks.  I haven't deep cleaned in a while and let me say that I remember why I don't like doing it.  LOL!  With that said, we are still planning on having a work day on March 26th.  We would love for anyone that might want to help out to come and join us.  We have plenty of large tasks and small ones.  When living in an old home there are just mounds of things that can be done, constantly.
God is teaching me that I am prideful.  I often feel like I don't want others to help me, I should be able to do things myself.  Then when I can't, I feel disappointment.  Well I am working on it, I am trying to humble myself and realize that I am completely unable to anything without the strength of Christ first and foremost; but also that I have loving family and friends who desire to be supportive.
My house may not be a lovely mansion inside or out, but we have a loving home that is eager to share Christ's love with 2 adorable Ethiopian children.  Can't wait!!!!  It can't come fast enough.  Please continue to pray for our adoption journey including our children who are waiting to come home.

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