Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thanks for your help!

After much hard work on Saturday, our first major work day was completed.  We just want to publicly say THANKS to those who came out to help us work on some much needed house repairs. 

Special THANKS! to:

Gary and Mallory Bilger
Josh and Candice Rose
Chris and Hope McDonald
Amanda Hall
Michelle Brown

The jobs that we completed were: stripping wallpaper, sanding, puttying, painting the first coat of white over top of some really ugly 70ss green color in our hallway, and lots of woodwork cleaning.  Extra special thanks to Mr. Bilger who helped Michael pull up what was left of our orange 70s carpet!  That was one of the roughest jobs. 

The Waits' family is truly blessed to have some really great friends who desire to help us despite what the tasks are.  We were humbled at the turn out of support and help from each of you.  Know that you have a had a large part in helping bring our children home.  We love you all!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Cleaning and Repairs

So, I am cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning our house in prep for our home study visit in 2 weeks.  I haven't deep cleaned in a while and let me say that I remember why I don't like doing it.  LOL!  With that said, we are still planning on having a work day on March 26th.  We would love for anyone that might want to help out to come and join us.  We have plenty of large tasks and small ones.  When living in an old home there are just mounds of things that can be done, constantly.
God is teaching me that I am prideful.  I often feel like I don't want others to help me, I should be able to do things myself.  Then when I can't, I feel disappointment.  Well I am working on it, I am trying to humble myself and realize that I am completely unable to anything without the strength of Christ first and foremost; but also that I have loving family and friends who desire to be supportive.
My house may not be a lovely mansion inside or out, but we have a loving home that is eager to share Christ's love with 2 adorable Ethiopian children.  Can't wait!!!!  It can't come fast enough.  Please continue to pray for our adoption journey including our children who are waiting to come home.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Work Day Saturday March 26th

The Waits family will be having a work day at the house to get ready for our home study with our new social worker. This next home study session will be conducted at our home, and so we have some things we would like to have done in preparation for his visit - so we are asking for volunteer help!

Normally, we wouldn't want others coming into our house to help us work, but there's an exception to every rule. We have projects such as hanging smoke detectors, removing wallpaper, sanding, painting, fixing windows, etc. If you think you would like to help, please let us know.

Lunch will be provided. We'll begin sometime around 9 a.m., so come on out if you want to help. We can use it! Call Zehra or Michael if you want more information. Thanks!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

One of Four for our Home Study

The Waits Family had a small step toward moving forward in our adoption over the weekend.  We had our first meeting with the social worker for our Home Study on Saturday.  For those of you who don't know exactly what that is, I will briefly explain.  It is a conglomeration of several things:

1.) 4 interviews with the social worker- 1 with us both (got that covered Saturday), 1 interview at our home with all 3 of us present which they check out all kinds of things, and then 1 interview with each Michael and I separately.  (Kentucky requires at least 4 interviews) 
2.)  Approximately 20 (give or take) documents of various kinds that tell about our entire lives that we submit to the social worker.
3.) A long lengthy report the social worker then write on our behalf to tell if we are an appropriate stable family to adopt children.
All of which he puts together in 1 large document called our Home Study.   

Back to my original thought:
So this first meeting was more of just an orientation meeting for our family and he asked us a few questions regarding our desires to adopt, who, what, when, why, the generals.  For something that is suppose to be laid back, I (Zehra) was less than laid back.  (No laughing for those of you who know me well.)  The meeting was informational for us as well.  We received MORE paperwork.  Let me just say that prior to deciding to adopt, paperwork has never nor will it ever be a love of mine.  All in all it went really well, Michael only made me really nervous once so I find that profound.  :) 

The next interview will be in our home, which only continues to foster my nervousness.  But I know that God is in control, and despite that I live in a really old home that has gas heaters and paint that is chipping on the outside, He has called us to adopt.  I know that because of that call, He will see us through this entire process. 

Please continue to be in prayer for our family as we seek God's will for our family in adoption.  We are so excited and blessed that He has chosen this path for us. 
Here are things that you can specifically pray for:
1.) The Home Study process
2.) Finances- we are still in need of over $35, 000 dollars, through donations, possibly grants or loans
3.) Talks of slowing adoptions in Ethiopia- which would delay the process of bringing our children home.
These are the most immediate needs. 

Thanks to all of you for your love and support!