Friday, July 22, 2011

A secret fundraiser

We just want to take a moment and say thanks to some friends who decided to hold a yard sale to help us raise money for our adoption. They raised over $400 on one Saturday morning, and all without us knowing about it.

We have never been too concerned about how we would come up with the necessary funding to afford this adoption because we believed God called us into it and that He would provide everything we need to see it through. So far we have not been in need of anything, there has always been enough money to pay for whatever it is we needed at the time.

These friends weren't put up to doing this yard sale, they were never asked to do it - they just decided they would do it! Wow, that's what kindness really looks like.

I was reminded recently that humble servitude says, "Sure, I'll do it." It's with that attitude that people accomplish great things, and the same attitude that desires no credit for the services rendered. This is why we'll refrain from mentioning their names. While some might know who they are, I'm sure they'd prefer to remain as anonymous as possible.

But they know who they are. And we thank them.

"Greater love has none than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

Friday, July 1, 2011

July 2011 Update

Once again we have fallen short of the original plan to keep our family and friends updated on our adoption through the use of this blog. All we can do is apologize for our lack of communication (for those of you who periodically check here to find new information) and ask for more grace and mercy from you. The root of the problem is organization and time management - two major factors we have been struggling to balance recently; however, we are still moving along in the process, it is just moving at a slower rate for the time being.

We have nearly completed the home study process! We are more than 75% of the way through finishing all that is required of it and are hopeful to wrap it up very soon. The paperwork has been absolutely daunting because of all the information we have to compile. We have to produce official documents for our entire life history, from birth until now. These documents include, but are not limited to, complete medical history as well as detailed medical exams, vaccinations and preventatives. Other information pertains to employment, financial standing, autobiographies, and so much more! Suffice it to say that there really is a lot of work that goes into this and we are taking it one day at a time.

Thank you for those of you who have continued to support us through prayer and encouragement. We really would struggle much more than we have been without this love that you have shown us. How can we say thanks for all that you have done and continue to do?

Although we have been hit with speed bumps and hard turns, we are not giving in. We have the end goal in sight before us and will not be giving up. We are reminded of the Apostle's words in Philippians 3:13, "...forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead." Although we have been called to a greater purpose: adoption into God's family through Christ, we have also been called to adopt children into our own family, and it is that purpose that we continually seek.

Please continue to be in prayer for us; that we would not be hindered by time management or disorganization, and that we will continue to move along by God's grace and timing.

We thank the Lord for you always.

In Christ,
The Waits Bunch!