Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's been a long time...

First of all we would like to apologize for the lack of information that we have provided. Although we are without doubt that we have been called to adoption, it has also become very apparent that administration and organization are not our strongest gifts. While the initial process of adoption might run smoother and quicker for some adoptive families, we are certainly falling behind in this area.

Now that the fall school semester has come to an end and we have gained an increase in time by limiting our outside obligations, we are ready to move forward with our purpose.

Our first major roadblock in the adoption process is coming up with the necessary finances to get us past the first phase, the Dossier, otherwise known as "the paper chase." Our adoption process began with the need to assemble many various documents (called the dossier) including financial statements, employment/health information, background checks, and the dreaded home study (which really isn't so dreaded).

The home study is a process that involves a social worker that will have multiple meetings with our family to outline our background and details of our household. The records from this home study will go through several levels of certification before they can be used as the legal framework for our adoption process, and takes anywhere from 3-6 months to complete. Once it is finished and approved, it will be sent to our adoption agency (AWAA) for final review. Once approved, our dossier will be forwarded to Ethiopia, translated, and processed before we can move farther along.

We tell you this because it really does take a village to adopt a child and we need your support! The dossier is an expensive process that every adoptive family goes through. Because we have not completed the dossier, we have not been "state certified" or officially approved. And because we are currently funding the adoption out of pocket we can only operate as quickly as our financial support is acquired. Once we complete the dossier and become "certified" and "approved," we hope to be able to set up a non-profit account in which donors can make tax-deductible donations, and will be able to apply for grants and financial assistance from various organizations. But until the dossier is approved, we are vulnerable to waiting.

A friend recently reminded me that God is never late, He is always on time. The Bible says, "But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." (Isaiah 40:31).

What we would like to ask of you is that you would renew your commitment to pray for us while we journey through adoption, that we would not be weary but walk forward refreshed in God's timing and trusting in His provision.

Thank you for your generous support through prayer.

With love,
The Waits Bunch